We have prepared for you some of the best diets from all around the world and all ages. We suggest to start with the Biblical Diet and feel the life of Jesus and his disciples
[block style=”style2″ image=”345″ title=”Biblical Diet”]The diet of Jesus would have included fish, whole wheat bread, olives, figs, dates and red wine. Jesus ate a Mediterranean-style diet, based on wholesome, unprocessed foods in accordance with ancient Jewish dietary laws…everything was organic![/block]
[block style=”style2″ image=”346″ title=”Paleolithic Diet” link=”#” btn_text=”Start This Diet”]Paleolithic era promotes a healthy diet. People sought after game animals as well as fished seafood. Additionally they gathered a wide range of food sources for example eggs, nuts, fruit, seeds, vegetables, mushrooms, spices and herbs.[/block]
[block style=”style2″ image=”347″ title=”Rainbow Diet” link=”#” btn_text=”Start This Diet”]Eating a variety of colors improves health. Eating the full assortment of fresh raw fruits and vegetables on a regular basis — in addition to eating whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes, reducing intake of animal fat, refined flour, sugar, and stimulants.[/block]